Thursday, July 29, 2004

O Denial

O' Denial
A call of the wild, sweltering and uncertain
The poise of the trees, graceful and brisk
The summers heat, salvaging, rescuing
The silence becomes maddening.

O'Denial I beg you to stop
You Create capers in the dusk, causing daylight to dark.
I ask you to run from my sheepish sanctuary; my self-created elaboration
I ask you to forbid reality and cease my tranquil existence.

O'Denial force me not to turn to you, let me see some light
Let the sky become open and the split become dampened.
Let me bask in my triumph, and shed some truth in your treason.
Let tomorrow never come the way I wish it to be.

O'Denial you grant me sanctity in your abrupt treachery
You allow for falsities to become realities
You give me no certainty that, which may be, already is.
I ask you to stop. I ask you to stop.

O'Denial it's so easy in your way, so simple to fall into your graces
I wish I could reside in your company for eternity
But I know I am wronged, my spirit softened, my pride compromised
For you are a fallacy, self-created interpretation of my misery.

O'Denial I will not let go. I will not let go.
Although I know you are brute in your ways, I am facetious in mine
It is your will that is tested against my raison d'être.
raison d'être, raison d'être what could it be.

O'Denial, O'Denial, O'Denial


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