Monday, January 12, 2009

Living through History

We are living through history. One broken bone, one gun shot, one vote a day. I just wish living through history weren't so difficult. All around us, failure. Failed banks, foreclosed home, failed jobs, a failed government, a failed war. All around us, death. Death in Gaza. Death of ideas. Death of the American dream. Death in Mumbai. All around us pain. Distrust in Madoff. Agony and suffering of people who cannot afford their own homes. Pain of people who watch the pain of others. Anger of those who have been misled. Lifetime of savings vanished into thin air. All around us sadness. Hopelessness. The better future for our kids mantra, now a dream ago. A generation which has only known terror. The constant fear. And somehow among it all, we are living through history. The life that our forefathers, around the world would never be able to envision. Where more people spoke, than ever before had voices. A world in which, a weak from Tuesday, a black man, born to a white women, raised around the world will become President. A man whose first name, Barack, means blessings. Whose middle name Hussain, is a fallen dictator in the now torn apart country of Iraq and whose last name Obama, sounds eerily like the face of terror - Osama. A week from Tuesday, somehow a still should fall over us. A still in which, for a day, we will once again be reminded that there is hope. and life. and opportunity. That the greater good may NOT always be a conspiracy. A hope in knowing that an underdog always has a chance. always. if given one. I hope years from now, when I look back and read this post, the text books call 2009 the year it all turned around. Where people became less greedy. Where people gave to the poor and the poor gave back by learning how to read and write. I hope India and Pakistan smile at one another, help each other's people. Trade with one another. I hope Palestinans have a safe home and Israel lets them live, alone. I hope America becomes saved and God's blessings once again shine down on us. I hope its a world where people have jobs. Have healthcare. Have quality education. Have money to spend on fluffy things. A world where the sick have more chance of survival And a world in which those who die, die knowing they helped make this world better, by just being in it. I hope I live to see that world. What about now? What about today? What if you're making me all that I was meant to be? What if our love never went away? What if it's lost behind words we could never find? Baby, before it's too late, What about Now? --Daughtry


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