Soon to be Unemployed
I think I am the happiest soon to be pink slipped person in the world. It appears as though the last 3 years have passed in a blur leaving me more incomplete than I was to begin with. Now its almost over.
I threw away today, memories of a past which was filled with tears and pain, triumph, and blood My first pivot, my first look-up my first attempt at Access. All now history, a memory of what once was the reason I got up every morning.
I have to ask myself, how did I do it? What was the motivation behind getting to an office, sitting in front of an 18" monitor and scrolling up and down worksheets for three years? What made me actally think that this was the life I wanted to lead.
It was the people. The bonds, the words, the thoughts which all came pouring in like pink rain. I got up to go to breakfast with them where I got my bagel and my 20 ounce glass of water. Will I continue to drink 20 ounces a day the way I did in front of an excel screen while replying to multiple emails? I was motivated to hear those deep thought-provoking lunch conversations where we planned on figuring out the mysteries of the universe. Those days we had lunch close by, and the days we took over an hour buying ice cream and coffee for the logistics controllers team.
I will miss the instant replies to my nonsensical observations which were provided to my friends. Their responses, curded empty souls waiting to decompress but always laced wth optimism. We became cynical together. I will miss reading away messages in between running systems reports and awaiting call backs. I will miss ordering supplies because they were pretty-not because they were needed.
Theres a lot to miss about your first job out of college. Its a memory of a time well spent, and hopefully not wasted.
But anon, time has passed and and I finally, finally get to do what I want. Make a difference, put a smile on someone else's face. Do something, take action.
Adieu Sony Adieu-'twas a nice courtship but its time that reality hit and I realize now that I can live my fantasy.
And in a few days, my fairy tale begins.
I threw away today, memories of a past which was filled with tears and pain, triumph, and blood My first pivot, my first look-up my first attempt at Access. All now history, a memory of what once was the reason I got up every morning.
I have to ask myself, how did I do it? What was the motivation behind getting to an office, sitting in front of an 18" monitor and scrolling up and down worksheets for three years? What made me actally think that this was the life I wanted to lead.
It was the people. The bonds, the words, the thoughts which all came pouring in like pink rain. I got up to go to breakfast with them where I got my bagel and my 20 ounce glass of water. Will I continue to drink 20 ounces a day the way I did in front of an excel screen while replying to multiple emails? I was motivated to hear those deep thought-provoking lunch conversations where we planned on figuring out the mysteries of the universe. Those days we had lunch close by, and the days we took over an hour buying ice cream and coffee for the logistics controllers team.
I will miss the instant replies to my nonsensical observations which were provided to my friends. Their responses, curded empty souls waiting to decompress but always laced wth optimism. We became cynical together. I will miss reading away messages in between running systems reports and awaiting call backs. I will miss ordering supplies because they were pretty-not because they were needed.
Theres a lot to miss about your first job out of college. Its a memory of a time well spent, and hopefully not wasted.
But anon, time has passed and and I finally, finally get to do what I want. Make a difference, put a smile on someone else's face. Do something, take action.
Adieu Sony Adieu-'twas a nice courtship but its time that reality hit and I realize now that I can live my fantasy.
And in a few days, my fairy tale begins.