Thursday, June 16, 2005

Rose-Colored Love

Love came so easily to her. Instantly. As though it should have been there all along. It was unavoidable and as all true love in her life and experience had been, it was ephemeral.

It was all so brand new, the allure of it all. Sharing life in a way that no one truly understood, but constantly was a judge of. It was comfortable, where blocking out the rest of the world in her life became simple.

They say love blinds you, and it did exactly that. Nothing should have mattered. Nothing did. In her sanctuary she lived, smiled and constantly thought when not in its presence about how lucky she truly was to be in a place she was so fortunate to embrace.

But like all true love in her experience, this too was ephemeral. Convenience turned into obsession, which led her down a road she wished not to travel. She stopped taking care of herself, her needs and that of the one she loved. It wasn't worth it. Conspriracy and the cruelty of the world had all caught up with her, leaving her deaf, dumb to what reality could be. The potential to be something greater, to experience something wiser, to live the life she knew she could but never ventured to try.

So she bid farewell. Packed up her memories, the emotions that went into setting up her abode, the excitement which fulfilled it, the anguish of its treason. For it was love, and will always remain love, but that June evening, she shut the door to her first love and left its blue-haven, rose colored arms and walked away.

Because true love, in her experience had always been ephemeral.


Blogger Sreekesh Menon said...

u write good and a good use of font colors to send a sense/ mood of the message.

love, its omnipresent, omnipotent, yet overrated and morphed into some weird thing shared between beinggs attracted to each other.

Love, I hear has been reduced into indulgence, when conjugated as a union of body and soul, an indication of the lack of self-control.

3:36 AM  
Blogger Ruby Tuesday said...

is this about you or me? haha - i guess we all experience the same things...

9:50 AM  
Blogger Rabia said...

Free your mind.. and the rest will follow I read it keeping you in mind and it worked, but this wasn't intended that way. Think about love in the abstract, not of a person, but perhaps an experience...

10:47 AM  

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