Thursday, September 29, 2005

Doors-Ruby Red References.

I see the creases or are the cracks in the sidewalk as I throttle down memory lane. Touche, Cliche as it sounds it describes those crisp December mornings when warming the car signified a long day's journey and confusion laced the clarity. Back then I knew what I wanted, was nothing more than to want-more of myself, from myself, by myself.

And now, fast forward a few hundred minutes and thousand seconds to the place, which has no name-perhaps a door, an overbearing archaic door, with black metal hinges which is closed off to the world. Which has no other entrance but that which is before me. How do I get through?

And then a key, hidden, which was carved out to serve a purpose other than its own. A key which knows no bounds and sees no circumstances, which doesn't allow and doesn't reject.

Cliche, Touche-a door and key. Its like a soul without a face and a face without a name. A lost soul with a nameless face only to be discovered inadvertently in some century's 42nd hour remotely, in a floating haven.Heaven.

But when if not now.

Only time can bring about the marriage, in the interim the rust and dust cover the hinges and metal leaving the locked-impenetrable.


Blogger Ruby Tuesday said...

aww...i'm flattered...jaan, it's always lowely to hear your interpretations - thats the most beautiful, touching thing about writing, it means one thing to one person and something totally different to someone else. thanks for being one of the few that continues to read my gibberish...

9:59 PM  

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