Monday, July 04, 2005


Self-Control/ Its a fleeting moment, a moment of truth, a moment of clarity/One second, when your fingers itch, your hair dances to an unknown beat/Where you fall and fly in the same motion/Self-control-allowing yourself to differentiate between ration and passion/reason and necessity/Its the difference between making a mistake you'll spend the rest of your life regretting or the rest of your evening pondering/Self-Control vanishs, comes together/falls apart/Unknowingly,sparingly.

Do it/Don't do it/Why do it/What?/It shouldn't matter..but it does/it always does. There is no one life that does not matter/no one relationship that doesn't blind us or leave us deaf to our own tune/Mistune, mistfortune/Misery/Mistakes/Mister/

Life it/Leave it. Regret it or remember it/ Should it be a dream which could have been or a memory which was/The past turns to the future, but what of now, the present/ the healthy and happy or the sad and unknown.

Self control is just that, allowing one to hold on to themselves as opposed to losing control over our gaurds, the walls we put up.


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